Podcast Importer

A Life Well Lived: Embracing Life by Doing Things You’ve Never Tried Before (Rerelease)

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! As part of our summer throwback series, we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes from seasons passed. This episode, originally released in season 3, features Heidi Herman, author of On with the…

25: How Much Do You Need to Save for Retirement?

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Ryan’s question: “When and how do you come with a hard figure goal for your retirement savings?” Setting a savings goal for retirement is trying to hit a moving target, so you should be revisiting this…

Why Are You Happy?: Finding Joy and Strength in the Wake of Tragedy (Rerelease)

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! As part of our summer throwback series, we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes from seasons passed. Today, we’re welcoming back Kristy Schiano, Yogi and owner of the Mindful Movement Center,…

25: Why Do Financial Advisors Have Asset Minimums?

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Brianna’s question: “What is the real reason that financial advisors have asset minimums?” Take a look under the hood to understand how financial advisors generate revenue, what asset minimums are for, and…

24: Generation Wars: How Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers are Planning for Financial Independence Differently (Rerelease)

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! As part of our summer throwback series, we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes from seasons passed. Today, we’re welcoming back our very own Yanni Niebuhr, CFP®, Chief Investment Officer here…

23: Spending Your Assets: Understanding Safe Withdrawal Rates

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers April’s question: “Why do some advisors say that taking 5% or more of your retirement nestegg out every year is dangerous?” Determining a reasonable withdrawal rate depends on factors including your asset…

23: Marrying Your Finances: Navigating Engagements, Marriages, and Divorces as a Couple (Rerelease)

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! As part of our summer throwback series, we’re bringing back our very own Lena Nebel, CFP®, Chief Operating Officer here at BFG Financial Advisors. This episode, originally released in Season 3, dives into…

22: What You Need to Know About Student Loans

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Shelby’s question: “what do you think every student should know before taking out student loans?” Student loans can be confusing and there is a lot to know. We’re talking about a few different factors…

22: Making it Work: Discovering New Opportunities to Build a Business at Any Age (Rerelease)

Summer is in session but we’re not taking off! Throughout the season, we’ll be bringing back listeners’ favorite episodes from past seasons and answering brand new Office Hours questions! Today’s episode from season 2 (originally released at…

21: How Much Money Should You Have in an Emergency Fund?

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Jenna’s question: “how much should I have in an emergency fund?” This can vary based on a lot of factors, and emergency funds don’t need to just be in the form of savings accounts. Eric explores the…