Podcast Importer

5: Find Your Battle Buddy: Helping Veterans Reach Financial Freedom with Dr. Ann James

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! With Veterans Day coming up, we have a very special guest to talk about how she uses her own experience with finance and military service to serve the Veteran community. Dr. Ann James is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, a Certified Financial Coach, and the CEO of

Office Hours: Regretting a Big Purchase

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Michelle’s question: “what’s one big purchase you’ve made and regretted later?” Everyone experiences buyer’s remorse at some point in their life, and Eric is no different. Hear what he has regretted purchasing in his life, and send us a message about your biggest spending regrets. Have a question? Tweet

4: Money Talk with Tiff and Eric: How Money Nerds Are Making Finance Less Boring

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! Today’s guest is Tiffany Grant, a financial counselor and the host of the Money Talk with Tiff podcast.  Tiffany is a fantastic content creator within the personal finance space—except for her online quiz that must be broken if Eric did not get a perfect score—and is one of the

Office Hours: Understanding the 2022 Market Correction

How Current Market Conditions Differ From Past Crises and What You Should Do

3: The Foreign Language of Finance: Overcoming Cultural, Racial, and Gender Biases to Find Financial Success with the Financially Savvy Latina

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! Today’s guest is Natalie Torres-Haddad MPA, AWA, a two-time TEDx speaker, award-winning author, and the host of Financially Savvy in 20 Minutes. Natalie’s story of being raised by immigrants during the LA Riots, experiencing the cultural differences between the rich and poor, and learning about money the same way

Office Hours: Getting Started as a Beginner Investor

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Tony’s question: “What’s the easiest way for a beginner investor to get started?” The first step of any journey can be difficult, but in this case we think education is a great place to start. After that, it can depend on your goals and will take practice. Have a

2: How to Not Lose Money in the Stock Market: Understanding Mainstream Investing with Joseph Hogue

Welcome back to Don’t Retire… Graduate! Today’s guest is Joseph Hogue, CFA®, the host of Let’s Talk Money! With Joseph Hogue, joining us to break down the art and science of investing and share his rules for making money in the stock market.  Investing has become entertainment media and everyone wants to be slinging stocks,

Office Hours: Equitable Divorce Agreements

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Julia’s question: “I’m getting divorced. How do I know if I’m getting a fair split of marital assets?” This can be a hard situation to navigate, but bringing in a financial professional is a great way to start. Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning or post

1: Good, Bad, and Dangerous: The Best and Worst of Financial Advice and Advisors with Joe Saul-Sehy

Season 5 is here and Don’t Retire… Graduate! is back to share more actionable strategies for reaching financial independence and talk to more money nerds about what they want to be when they grow up.  And your eyes are not deceiving you—this season we’re recording in VIDEO! If you’re on an audio-only player, thank you

26: Advice for Future Financial Advisors

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Jesse’s question: “What advice do you have for someone interested in a career in finance or as an advisor?” The career path for a financial advisor is not well-defined, but there are several ways to get into…