Podcast Importer
How You Can Use a Reverse Mortgage
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Amy’s question: Can you use the proceeds from a reverse mortgage for anything you want or need? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!
Health is Wealth: The Importance of Financial Fitness When Building a Business
Dave Ramsey’s Debt-Reduction Strategy
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Carl’s question: Why does Dave Ramsey suggest paying off a low-interest mortgage instead of investing more than his 15% rule? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a…
Resiliency in the Wake of COVID-19: How HSAs and Automated Savings Can Keep Your Retirement on Track
The Financial Planning Process
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Malia’s question: How many steps are there in the financial planning process? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!
What Do You Want to Do Next?: Continuing Your Career Past Retirement Age
Moving to Avoid State Taxes
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Kristina’s question: Should I consider changing my state of personal residence for tax purposes? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!
Your Happiness Portfolio: Finding Balance in Your Retirement
Finding Financial Resources Online
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Mark’s question: Where would you go online for good financial advice? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!