
Paying Yourself First: Creative Strategies to Grow Your Savings

Paying Yourself First: Creative Strategies to Grow Your Savings You don’t need to be making six figures to start building your savings. Join Yanni Niebuhr, CFP®, and Cody Niedermeier for a one-hour webinar filled with simple strategies for growing your savings and reaching your financial goals. Join Eric Brotman, CFP®, and Cody Niedermeier for an

Practice Makes Perfect: Practicing for Retirement While You’re Still Working

Practice Makes Perfect: Practicing for Retirement While You’re Still Working Retiring is a huge life event, and it isn’t one that comes with many do-overs. You have to get it right the first time. Luckily, there are ways to prepare for retirement—and even practice it—to help ensure you’re ready when the day comes. Join Eric

Downsizing in Retirement: The Do’s and Don’ts

Downsizing in Retirement: The Do’s and Don’ts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NQR2ZZET5A When you’re graduating into the next chapter in your life, there are going to be a lot of large changes you need to be prepared for. As an empty nester with children who have grown up and started their own families, and a retiree with less of

Hack Your Budget: Simple Steps for Saving Money and Paying Off Debt

Saving money and getting out of debt can be hard, but with the right tools, strategies, and guidance, it is possible. Join BFG Financial Advisors and Budgets Made Easy for a one-hour webinar that gives you actionable advice and simple steps to help you reach your financial goals.

Then Comes Marriage: How to Merge Your Financial Lives

https://youtu.be/5o7axDkpBzc Planning a wedding? Looking to get engaged? Newly married? Join Cody Niedermeier and Lena Nebel, CFP®, for a webinar that will help you check all the boxes and merge seamlessly into a marriage with shared finances. Learn what should be titled jointly, what should stay separate, and if a prenuptial agreement is a good

Financial Resolutions: Smart Money Decisions to Make in 2021

New year, new you, right? Join Cody Niedermeier and Eric Brotman, CFP(R) to find out what you need to start doing NOW to be successful in your financial future. This webinar will cover topics that are important at any age–like taking a financial inventory and paying yourself first–and some actions that need to be taken

Hack Your Retirement: The Three Secrets of the Happiest Retirees

Eric Brotman, CFP, and Marianne Oehser, Certified Retirement Coach, host this free webinar to discuss what three things the happiest retirees have in common and how you can start planning for it now.

Understanding Your Employee Benefits

Alumna Lena M. Nebel, CFP, MSFS discusses employee benefits and 401K information with the York College of Pennsylvania community.