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Set Your Direction for Effective Business Management

Every day brings a new challenge. The unexpected problems and undertakings are the ones that test us, our processes, and can take away our focus on current initiatives. 

There are four areas of management that require consistent, regular attention each month.

If you are like 75% of the successful companies that have pre-established systems to inform their strategy, you’ve already incorporated ways to put attention on these areas. Because things change, we must adapt and so must our processes:

  1. Vision and Foresight
  2. Innovation and Development
  3. Communication and Counseling
  4. Strategy and Execution

Management is a word that can be misunderstood.

Look at all the memes out there that polarize leader versus manager. To manage means to have self-control, the ability to plan out work to meet deadlines, and everything involved to deliver product. Management also includes efficiency for where to streamline and when to reduce costs. Oh, and we can’t forget the processes that make our company resilient and allow for handling – and managing of – certain situations.

Every role has a management process, and every business must have management to provide some structure. That said, companies that actively develop emotional intelligence; promote expanding knowledge and learning from mistakes; as well as invest in resiliency planning … such businesses harness ingenuity of people within an organization. 

How you integrate management and leadership will show in your level of success.

Your company requires frameworks, agreements, and clarity of vision. Following is a more in-depth view of the four areas that make up an  effective leadership strategy.


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