Sara Lohse

Battling Inflation: What You Can Do To Protect Your Retirement Plan

As a financial advisor, there are a lot of questions I get asked almost daily. Surprisingly, “are you a fiduciary?” is not one of them. This could be the most important question you ask your current or potential advisor, and yet it seems that few people know to ask it. It’s time to change that.

New Year, New Money Habits: Setting Financial Resolutions for 2023

New Year, New Money Habits: Setting Financial Resolutions for 2023 Begin the new year on the right foot. Find out what goals you should be setting and learn methods for reaching them with Certified Financial Planner practitioner Eric Brotman and Accredited Financial Counselor Sara Lohse. Complete Your Extra Credit Enroll at Retire U to master:

Financial New Years Resolutions for 2023

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Collin’s question: “what is a good financial New Year’s resolution?” Setting New Year’s resolutions isn’t always successful, but there are some easy actions you can take to improve your finances this year. Have a question? Post it in the comments, tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning, or post it

How Financial Planning Differs for Women

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Janet’s question: “Is there anything different that women should be doing differently than men when it comes to financial planning?” With women living longer and often outliving a spouse, there can be a few aspects of a plan that affect women greater than men. Have a question? Post it

Richer Soul

Don’t Retire… Graduate! with Eric Brotman Take away: Getting to financial independence is an incredibly wonderful goal Action step: Take inventory, and figure out where you are. Money Learnings: Eric has no real financial training learned from school. They also did not talk much about money as he was growing up. Bio: Eric D. Brotman,

Making Your Money Work For You: Turning High Income into High Net Worth

Making Your Money Work For You: Turning High Income into a High Net Worth A high salary does not always lead to a high net worth–but it can! Learn the behaviors and habits that will help you build wealth and get on track towards reaching financial freedom.

Social Security for Future Generations

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Amanda’s question: “How might Social Security change in the future if there is a large cost-of-living adjustment in 2023?” Between the high number of boomers retiring and the low number of people joining the workforce, it’s only natural that Social Security will look a lot different for Gen Z,

Using Allowance to Teach Positive Lessons to Your Kids

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Kyle’s question: “Does giving my child an allowance teach them positive or negative lessons about money?” The short answer is it can do both, but there are ways to offer an allowance that can teach your child about saving, philanthropy, and other important life lessons. Have a question? Post

Should I Be Using Cash or Credit?

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Ben’s question: “Is it better to pay in cash for daily purchases or use a credit card?” This answer can vary based on your spending habits, so Eric is here to outline who may benefit from each option. Have a question? Post it in the comments, tweet it to

The Only One in the Room

Eric Brotman is the Only Man in the Room Eric Brotman joined Laura Cathcart Robbins to share his story as the Only Man in the Room. Listen to the episode to hear about his experience with a women’s-only networking group and how he’s built his company to be more than a traditional financial planning firm.