Sara Lohse

How to Build Your Wealth

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Steven’s question: What are the steps to wealth-building and how do I get started and determine what’s best for me? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode…

Office Hours: How to Build Your Wealth

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Steven’s question: What are the steps to wealth-building and how do I get started and determine what’s best for me? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!

You Need a Checking Account. Here’s What You Should Look For

Nearly everybody has a checking account—according to a NextAdvisor survey, 79% of U.S. adults have one. They’re a foundational money management tool, so it’s important to get started on the right foot. Lena Nebel was asked why a checking account is so important and what you should know before opening one. Read her responses in this

Combating Dementia: The Financial and Emotional Effects of Alzheimer’s

Eric is joined by Ellen Torres of the Alzheimer’s Association to talk about the emotional and financial toll diseases like Alzheimer’s take on families and the resources available to support them.

“Don’t Retire, Graduate,” Teaches Financial Freedom

“Don’t Retire, Graduate,” Teaches Financial Freedom Financial advisor Eric Brotman discusses his new book, “Don’t Retire, Graduate,” and how the election will affect your finances. Order the Book

Money Answers Podcast Understanding Stock Market Trends and Graduating into a Comfortable Retirement In Eric Brotman’s new book Don’t Retire, Graduate, he explains how you can build a path to financial freedom at any age. He takes you through the process of getting to Retirement University as though you were going to undergraduate school, going from Freshman

Shock Your Potential

Don’t Retire…Graduate! – Eric Brotman Why retire when you can graduate? Making the best financial decisions for today and the future can be daunting, but our guest today is dedicated to making the process easier, and less stressful.Eric Brotman, CFP, AEP, CPWA is the CEO of BFG Financial Ad… Why retire when you can graduate?

20: Understanding Your Employee Benefits

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Susan’s question: My daughter is starting her first job in a few weeks. Where can she get help with her benefit decisions? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future…

Office Hours: Understanding Your Employee Benefits

In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Susan’s question: My daughter is starting her first job in a few weeks. Where can she get help with her benefit decisions? Have a question? Tweet it to us at @BrotmanPlanning and it may be answered in a future episode of Office Hours!

Bold Business

Productive Leadership for Growth Oriented Businesses An interview with Eric Brotman for the BOLD Business Podcast program #252 “Productive Leadership for Growth Oriented Businesses” Link to Eric’s latest book: