Sara Lohse
What You Need to Know About Student Loans
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Shelby’s question: “what do you think every student should know before taking out student loans?” Student loans can be confusing and there is a lot to know. We’re talking about a few different factors including return on investment and whether or not the loan is subsidized. Have a question? …
Get Down to Business
22: Making it Work: Discovering New Opportunities to Build a Business at Any Age (Rerelease)
Making it Work: Discovering New Opportunities to Build a Business at Any Age (Rerelease)
Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Podcasts Summer is in session but we’re not taking off! Throughout the season, we’ll be bringing back listeners’ favorite episodes from past seasons and answering brand new Office Hours questions! Today’s episode from season 2 (originally released at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic) features Cait Lockwood (formerly Caitlin …
How Much Money Should You Have in an Emergency Fund?
In today’s Office Hours, Eric answers Jenna’s question: “how much should I have in an emergency fund?” This can vary based on a lot of factors, and emergency funds don’t need to just be in the form of savings accounts. Eric explores the different layers that can make up your emergency fund and the rules …
21: How Much Money Should You Have in an Emergency Fund?
Young Money: Tools and Strategies for Raising Financially Responsible Kids
Young Money: Tools and Strategies for Raising Financially Responsible Kids We all want our children to be set up for successful futures, but when personal finance isn’t taught in schools, how can we make sure they know how to make good decisions with their money? This one-hour webinar to go through tools and strategies for …