Dollars and Sense with Eric D. Brotman, CFP®, AEP®, CPWA®
Trying to make sense of the current financial landscape? Join us as we welcome CEO of The Brotman Financial Group, Eric D. Brotman, CFP®, AEP®, CPWA®, who brings a novel approach to growing older—that is, Don’t Retire…Graduate! If you have questions about investments or are trying to prepare for the costs of each new stAGE or even retirement, Eric has answers!
As author of the book, Don’t Retire…Graduate! Building A Path to Financial Freedom and Retirement at Any Age, and host of the Don’t Retire…Graduate! Podcast, Eric takes on a novel approach towards retirement and invites others to do the same. Instead of thinking of retirement as a time to slow down, withdrawal or give up, he believes retirement should be considered more like a graduation, where we launch into a brand new and exciting phase of our lives!
Eric shares the three secrets of happiest retirees, the common worries of those growing older, what to consider when contemplating retirement, how to build wealth that won’t be taxable in the future and even why your zip code may play into your decision of where to live and some future costs of aging to consider.
But he’s also an avid proprietor of the things money can’t buy, such as time, happiness, harmony and peace of mind. And he believes in leaving a legacy even beyond money and fortune.
He brings sage advice and financial wisdom that won’t break the bank or sabotage future goals, especially during these times of financial upheaval and economic challenge. It’s must-listen power hour from beginning to end with tips and tools regardless of what financial stage you’re in because Eric does not believe financial planning is reserved only for the rich. He is an educator and values financial literacy for all, including youth.